Next I took some of my ideas into sketch up to explore ways which the idea of circular shapes and rotation could be executed.
This first design was a plain tower where each layer consisted of on component spiralling upwards. In this idea I like the idea of layering although found the circles to be plain and un interesting. 78KB 300DPI
In this next Idea I looked at a similar idea although in a smaller scale and more spread out. I found this to be more successful. I also liked the contrast in full, and cut aways into the design and also how the sizes varied in depth vertically to provide a more spread out component. I Like how from the top view no levels or layering is developed until the camera angle is tilted. 49KB, 300DPI
This next idea I liked at a layering and various lengths of each component, I disliked the simpliciity and how the circles did not vary in size.
115KB 300DPI
This final design lost the idea of a singular object and looked more into the idea of a scene. I like this idea due to the mass which means a range of views are able to be used to portray very diffrent scenes. Although all structure is lost.
119KB 300DPI
After looking at these three concepts I want to look into ways to manipulate concept two and four in an effective way to create a scene that will also look good and be able to be animated effectivly.
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